Monday, March 3, 2025

BC PNP Points Calculator (Updated Points Grid)

The British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) is one of the most popular PNP streams to choose from Canada PNP programs. BC PNP holds regular draws twice a month, and based on points, ITAs are sent out to the applicants having met the minimum cut-off score.

BC PNP uses Skills Immigration Registration System (SIRS), a points-based tool that evaluates and ranks candidates based on factors like skills, work experience, and job offers,  where registered candidates receive points, measured on a scale of 200 points (You can check below). BC conducts its PNP Draws biweekly, candidates with the highest scores receive Invitations to Apply (ITA), allowing them to submit full applications for provincial nomination.

B.C. PNP Points Calculator

Check out more PNP options and their PNP points calculator:

CRS Points Calculator

SINP Points Calculator

Manitoba PNP Points Calculator

Newfoundland and Labrador PNP Points Calculator

Nova Scotia PNP Points Calculator

BC PNP Points Calculator

New Brunswick PNP Points Calculator

Alberta PNP Points Calculator

British Columbia Skills Immigration Ranking System (SIRS)

The Skills Immigration Ranking System (SIRS) is a points-based system used by British Columbia to assess and rank candidates in the Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC streams of the Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP).

Factor Maximum Points
Economic Factors (80)
Hourly Wage of B.C. Job offer 55
Area Within B.C. 25
Human Capital Factors (120)
Directly Related Work Experience 40
Highest Level of Education 40
Language 40
Total Available Points 200

1. Human Capital Factors (Maximum 120 points)

1.1 Directly Related Work Experience (Maximum 40 points)

You get points based on your full-time or part-time work experience that matches the job you’ve been offered in B.C. This can be from work you did in Canada or abroad.

Your work needs to be in the same job category as the one you were offered in B.C., or in a related category at a similar or higher level. Paid co-op work experience can count too if it meets certain conditions. Unpaid work experience doesn’t count for points.

Additional points are given if you have at least one year of relevant work experience in Canada. This work has to be legal and meet specific criteria.

If you’re currently working full-time in B.C. in the same job category and with the same employer as your BC PNP registration, you might also get extra points

Directly Related Work Experience in the Occupation of B.C. Job Offer Points
5 or more years 20
At least 4 but less than 5 years 16
At least 3 but less than 4 years 12
At least 2 but less than 3 years 8
At least 1 but less than 2 years 4
Less than 1 year 1
No experience 0
Additional points: At least 1 year of directly related experience in Canada 10
Additional points: Currently working full-time in B.C. for the employer in the occupation identified in the BC PNP registration 10
Maximum Score Available 40

1.2 Highest Level of Education (Maximum 40 points)

Points for education are awarded based on your highest completed level of education. Partial completion is not considered, and the study duration must exceed six months. Distance learning programs do not count for points.

Additional points are available for completing education in British Columbia or elsewhere in Canada, but not for language training or distance education programs.

These extra points are only awarded for your highest level of education stated during registration.

Eligible professional Designations
Occupation Eligible Professional Designations in B.C.
Any Trade Trades workers with a valid trade certificate issued by SkilledTradesBC or trades apprentices registered with SkilledTradesBC
Dental Assistants Dental Assistants certified with British Columbia College of Oral Health Professionals*
Dental Hygienists Dental Hygienists registered with British Columbia College of Oral Health Professionals*
Dental Technicians Dental Technicians registered with British Columbia College of Oral Health Professionals*
Denturists Denturists certified with British Columbia College of Oral Health Professionals*
Early Childhood Educators (ECE) ECEs with a valid ECE One Year or ECE Five Year Certificate with the Early Childhood Educator Registry
Health Care Aide Health Care Aides registered with BC Care Aide & Community Health Worker Registration
Pharmacy Technicians Pharmacy Technicians registered with The College of Pharmacists of British Columbia
Practical Nurses Practical Nurses licenced with The British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives
Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists Practitioners licensed through The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of BC
Veterinary technicians Veterinary Technicians registered with British Columbia Veterinary Technologists Association
Education Points
Doctoral Degree 27
Master’s Degree 22
Post-Graduate Certificate or Diploma* 15
Bachelor’s Degree 15
Associate Degree 5
Post-secondary Diploma/Certificate (Trades or Non-Trades) 5
Secondary School (High School) or Less 0
Additional points for education in B.C. or Canada
Post-secondary education completed in B.C., or 8
Post-secondary education completed in Canada (outside of B.C.) 6
Additional points for professional designation in B.C.
Eligible professional designation in B.C. 5
Maximum Score Available

1.3 Language Proficiency (Maximum 40 points)

Points are awarded based on your scores in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Taking a language test within the last two years can earn you additional points, provided you score CLB 4 or higher in each area for both English and French.

Canadian Language Benchmark Level Points
9+ 30
8 25
7 20
6 15
5 10
4 5
Below 4 or no test submitted 0
Additional points for language proficiency in both English and French 10
Maximum Score Available 40

2. Economic Factors(Maximum 80 points)

2.1 Hourly wage of the B.C. job offer (Maximum 50 points)

Your wage points depend on the hourly rate in your job offer. The program checks for wage inflation. Only your hourly pay is considered, not bonuses or other additional payments.

Hourly Wage of the B.C. Job Offer Points
$70.00 and above 55
$69.00 to $69.99 54
$68.00 to $68.99 53
$67.00 to $67.99 52
$66.00 to $66.99 51
$65.00 to $65.99 50
$64.00 to $64.99 49
$63.00 to $63.99 48
$62.00 to $62.99 47
$61.00 to $61.99 46
$60.00 to $60.99 45
$59.00 to $59.99 44
$58.00 to $58.99 43
$57.00 to $57.99 42
$56.00 to $56.99 41
$55.00 to $55.99 40
$54.00 to $54.99 39
$53.00 to $53.99 38
$52.00 to $52.99 37
$51.00 to $51.99 36
$50.00 to $50.99 35
$49.00 to $49.99 34
$48.00 to $48.99 33
$47.00 to $47.99 32
$46.00 to $46.99 31
$45.00 to $45.99 30
$44.00 to $44.99 29
$43.00 to $43.99 28
$42.00 to $42.99 27
$41.00 to $41.99 26
$40.00 to $40.99 25
$39.00 to $39.99 24
$38.00 to $38.99 23
$37.00 to $37.99 22
$36.00 to $36.99 21
$35.00 to $35.99 20
$34.00 to $34.99 19
$33.00 to $33.99 18
$32.00 to $32.99 17
$31.00 to $31.99 16
$30.00 to $30.99 15
$29.00 to $29.99 14
$28.00 to $28.99 13
$27.00 to $27.99 12
$26.00 to $26.99 11
$25.00 to $25.99 10
$24.00 to $24.99 9
$23.00 to $23.99 8
$22.00 to $22.99 7
$21.00 to $21.99 6
$20.00 to $20.99 5
$19.00 to $19.99 4
$18.00 to $18.99 3
$17.00 to $17.99 2
$16.00 to $16.99 1
Less than $16.00 0
Maximum Score Available 55

2.2 Area of employment within B.C. (Maximum 25 points)

Your score is based on where you mainly work in B.C. This is where you usually go to work and can reasonably do your job as listed in your job offer.

You won’t get these points if the BC PNP decides you can’t do your job properly from the work location you mentioned when registering and applying.

Area 1 covers Metro Vancouver Regional District (MVRD), while Areas 2 and 3 are outside MVRD.

Extra points for regional experience or being an alumnus of a regional institution:

If your job is in Area 2 or 3, you might qualify for regional experience or alumni points. But if your job is in Area 1, you won’t get these extra points.

Regional experience: To get points for regional experience, you need to have worked full-time for at least a year:

  • in Area 2 or 3 (not MVRD)
  • within 5 years before signing up with the BC PNP.

Regional alumni: To qualify for alumni points, you should have graduated from a public B.C. post-secondary institution:

  • outside MVRD
  • while living outside MVRD
  • within 3 years before signing up with the BC PNP.
Area of Employment within B.C. Points
Area 1: Metro Vancouver Regional District 0
Area 2: Squamish, Abbotsford, Agassiz, Mission, and Chilliwack 5
Area 3: Areas of B.C. not included in Area 1 or 2 15
Additional Points:
Regional Experience 10
Regional Alumni
Maximum Score Available 25


How many points are needed for BC PNP?

The points needed for BC PNP may vary but on average, this is the average points you will need to qualify for recent draws:

  • Skilled Worker – 116
  • Skilled Worker – EEBC option – 116
  • International Graduate – 116
  • International Graduate – EEBC option -116
  • Entry Level and Semi-Skilled – 95

What level of CLB is needed for BC PNP?

Generally, a minimum CLB level of 4 or higher may be required for certain streams, but the requirements can differ. It is recommended to score CLB 7 or above to attain the highest possibility of getting an invitation for BC PNP.

How long does BC PNP take?

The processing time for BC PNP applications typically ranges from 1 to 2 months.

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