Friday, February 28, 2025

New Brunswick PNP Draw (Latest Updated for 2025)

The New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NB PNP) is a Canadian PNP program that attracts lot of skilled workers to the province of New Brunswick. New Brunswick PNP conducts regular draws for PNP and candidates from the Express Entry pool are selected based on different criteria.

New Brunswick PNP latest draw

The most recent New Brunswick PNP draw was held on September 2023. A total of 161 ITAs were issued to all the candidates in the EOI pool.

  • Date – September 2023
  • Number of ITAs issued – 161
  • Streams Targeted – NB Employment Connection, NB Student Connection and NB Occupations In Demand Connection.
Date Stream No. of ITA
SEPTEMBER 2023 NB Employment Connection 59
NB Student Connection 24
NB Occupations In Demand Connection 78
AUGUST 2023 NB Employment Connection 54
NB Student Connection 37
NB Occupations In Demand Connection 84
JULY 2023 NB Employment Connection 58
NB Student Connection 130
NB Occupations In Demand Connection 71
JUNE 2023 NB Employment Connection 28
NB Student Connection 64
NB Occupations In Demand Connection 29
MAY 2023 NB Employment Connection 21
NB Student Connection 10
NB Occupations In Demand Connection 62
APRIL 2023 NB Employment Connection 45
NB Student Connection 27
NB Occupations In Demand Connection 14
MARCH 2023 NB Employment Connection 70
NB Student Connection 42
NB Occupations In Demand Connection 74
FEBRUARY 2023 NB Employment Connection 86
NB Student Connection 51
NB Occupations In Demand Connection 07

When will the next New Brunswick PNP Draw take place?

The Frequency of New Brunswick PNP draws varies by number of people they need and other factors. As of 2024, New Brunswick has not made any official draw frequency but they will keep on inviting more people than of last year.

How can I calculate my New Brunswick PNP Points?

To calculate your point for New Brunswick PNP, you need to use the New Brunswick PNP Points calculator here.

What are the most popular streams in New Brunswick PNP?

These are some popular streams in the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP), regular NB draws are conducted of these streams below:

  1. Express Entry Labour Market Stream (EELMS): Aligned with the federal Express Entry system.
  2. Skilled Workers with Employer Support: For skilled workers with a job offer from a New Brunswick employer.
  3. Post-Graduate Entrepreneurial Stream (PGES): Targeting graduates starting or acquiring a business in the province.
  4. Entrepreneurial Stream: For experienced business owners or managers planning to operate a business in New Brunswick.
  5. Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP): Collaborative program among Atlantic provinces, including New Brunswick.

What is the PNP quota of New Brunswick PNP 2024?

The PNP quota for New Brunswick PNP 2024 has not become official yet but in 2023 New Brunswick has issued a total of 5,600 notifications and in 2024 it is predicted to be around 6,500 invitations but it can be more than that.

Is the New Brunswick PNP draw score high?

The New Brunswick PNP draw score is not high but the applicant might have to show some connection to the province or chances are more likely if you have studied in the province of New Brunswick or have work experience.

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