Monday, March 3, 2025

Global Talent Stream Canada (Who can apply?)

The Global Talent Stream (GTS) is a program under Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program, and it allows Canadian employers to hire highly skilled foreign workers for certain occupations that cannot be fulfilled by Canadians. The GTS aims to help Canadian businesses attract global talent quickly, enabling them to remain competitive in the global market.

The best part is under Global Talent Stream Work permit applications are processed within two weeks, which makes it fastest immigration pathway for skilled workers who are looking for new life in Canada.

Why Global Talent Stream?

When Canadian employers want to hire foreign workers through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP), they usually need a document called a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). This document checks and confirm that no Canadian workers are available to work for specific occupation and, the employer can hire a foreign worker from outside.

Normally, getting an LMIA takes a long time, could be several months in some cases. This is why Global Talent Stream, the process is faster because without the need of LMIA. This helps Canadian employers compete globally by quickly bringing in skilled workers to fill job gaps.

To be eligible for the Global Talent Stream, a Canadian employer must fall into one of two categories:

Global Talent Stream Categories

The Global Talent Stream has two categories:

Category A

To be eligible for this stream, Employers need to be referred to the Global Talent Stream by a designated referral partner (e.g., a government department or a provincial government).

The position must be classified as skill type 0 (management occupations) or skill level A (professional occupations) under the National Occupational Classification (NOC).

List of designated referral Partners under Global Talent Stream:

Accelerate Okanagan
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
BC Tech Association
Burlington Economic Development Corporation
Business Development Bank of Canada
Canadian Economic Development for Quebec Regions
Cape Breton Partnership
City of Brampton
City of Hamilton’s Economic Development Office
City of Mississauga
Communitech Corporation
Council of Canadian Innovators
Economic Development Winnipeg
Edmonton Economic Development
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Genesis (Newfoundland)
Global Affairs Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service
Government of Alberta, Alberta Labour
Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology
Government of Manitoba, Manitoba Education and Training
Government of Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Business Inc.
Government of Ontario, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation, and Trade – Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program
Government of Ontario, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation, and Trade – Ontario Investment Office
Government of Prince Edward Island, Island Investment Development Inc.
Government of Saskatchewan, Ministry of the Economy
Halifax Partnership
Tech Manitoba
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada – Accelerated Growth Service
Invest Ottawa
Invest in Canada
Kingston Economic Development Corporation
Launch Academy
London Economic Development Corporation
MaRS Discovery District
National Research Council – Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP)
Privy Council Office, Special Projects Team
Regional Municipality of Niagara
Regional Municipality of York
Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership
Toronto Global
Town of Oakville
Vancouver Economic Commission
Venn Innovation
Waterloo Region Economic Development Corporation
WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation

Quebec Designated Partners

  • Investissement Quebec
  • Montréal International
  • Québec International
  • L’Association québécoise des technologies

Category B

Employers can hire workers for positions that fall under skill type 0 (management occupations) or skill level A (professional occupations) or skill level B (technical occupations and skilled trades) under the NOC or certain high-skilled positions.

Employers need to develop a Labor Market Benefits Plan, demonstrating their commitment to activities that will have a positive impact on the Canadian labor market.

List of Occupations in Category B:

NOC code (2011) NOC code (2021) Occupation Minimum hourly rate Minimum annual salary
0213 20012 Computer and information systems managers Prevailing wage Prevailing wage
2131 21300 Civil Engineers Prevailing wage Prevailing wage
2133 21310 Electrical and electronics engineers Prevailing wage Prevailing wage
2143 21330 Mining engineers Prevailing wage Prevailing wage
2146 21390 Aerospace engineers Prevailing wage Prevailing wage
2147 21311 Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) Prevailing wage Prevailing wage
Sub-set of 2161* Sub-set of 21210* Mathematicians and statisticians Prevailing wage Prevailing wage
2171 21211 – Data Scientists
21220 – Cybersecurity specialists
21221 – Business system specialists
21222 – Information system specialists
21233 – Web designers
Information systems analysts and consultants Prevailing wage Prevailing wage
2172 21211 – Data scientists
21223 – Database analysts and data administrators
Database analysts and data administrators Prevailing wage Prevailing wage
2173 21231 – Software engineers and designers
21211 – Data scientists
Software engineers and designers Prevailing wage Prevailing wage
2174 21230 – Computer systems developers and programmers
21232 – Software developers and programmers
21234 – Web developers and programmers
Computer programmers and interactive media developers Prevailing wage Prevailing wage
2175 21233 – Web designers
21234 – Web developers and programmers
Web designers and developers Prevailing wage Prevailing wage
2241 22310 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians $41.35 or higher prevailing wage $86,000 or higher prevailing wage
2281 22220 Computer Network technicians (NOC 2021 occupation: Computer network and web technicians) $40.87 or higher prevailing wage $85,000 or higher prevailing wage
2283 22222 Information systems testing technicians $41.03 or higher prevailing wage $85,000 or higher prevailing wage
Sub-set of 5131** Sub-set of 51120** Producer, technical, creative and artistic director and project manager – Visual effects and video game $40.87 or higher prevailing wage $85,000 or higher prevailing wage
Sub-set of 5241*** Sub-set of 52120** Digital Media and Design $38.46 or higher prevailing wage $80,000 or higher prevailing wage

Employers in both categories must need to comply with these regarding the payment of skilled workers. Workers brought in through the Global Talent Stream (GTS) are required to receive a salary equal to or greater than the prevailing wage. The prevailing wage is determined by considering the highest of the following:

  1. The median wage for the occupation listed on the Government of Canada’s Job Bank.
  2. The wage falls within the range paid by the employer to current employees in the same position at the same location, possessing similar skills and experience.
  3. The minimum wage floor outlined in the Global Talent occupations list.

Wages requirement for the Global Talent Stream

Employers must commit to paying either:

  1. A minimum annual salary of $80,000 or the prevailing wage (whichever is higher) for the first two unique positions under Category A. For two or more positions, the salary should be at least $150,000.
  2. The minimum wage specified in the Global Talent Occupations List for highly-skilled positions under Category B.
  3. The wage within the range paid to current employees in the same job at the same location with similar skills and experience.
  4. The median wage listed on the Government of Canada’s Job Bank, organized by job title or NOC code and location.

Requirements for Global Talent Stream

  • Business Legitimacy: Demonstrate active business involvement. Provide necessary documents: business license, legal forms, tax records.
  • Recruitment: Actively seek Canadian/PR candidates before exploring foreign options. Submit details of recruitment efforts.
  • Wages: Ensure worker wages match prevailing rates for locals.
  • Job Duties and Conditions: Employees perform assigned duties only. Adhere to provincial laws for work standards.
  • Workplace Safety: Provide workplace safety coverage as per provincial/territorial law.
  • Language Restriction: Jobs can require English or French, with justification for other languages.
  • Unionized Positions: Treat foreign workers in unionized positions the same as Canadian/PR counterparts.
  • Employer Compliance: Comply with all TFWP general requirements.
  • Quebec Employers: Quebec employers must submit applications to both ESDC and the Quebec Ministry of Immigration, Diversity, and Inclusion simultaneously.

What is the Labour Market Benefits Plan?

A crucial requirement for the Global Talent Stream (GTS) is the Labour Market Benefits Plan (LMBP).

The Labour Market Benefits (LMB) Plan is associated with Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and International Mobility Program (IMP).

Collaboratively developed with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), Employers who wish to hire foreign workers through these programs may be required to develop and submit a Labour Market Benefits Plan as part of their application process.

The Labour Market Benefits Plan outlines the employer’s commitments both mandatory and complementary to contribute positively to the Canadian labor market. It typically includes specific initiatives, investments, or activities that the employer will undertake to benefit the Canadian workforce. The purpose is to ensure that hiring foreign workers will have positive effects on the local labor market, such as skills transfer, training for Canadian employees, or investments in the community.

Under Category B, the mandatory benefit focuses on increasing investments in skills development and training for Canadians and permanent residents.

Furthermore, the LMBP must include two complementary benefits, distinct from the mandatory ones. These benefits include these:

  • Job creation
  • Investment in skills and training
  • Knowledge transfer
  • Improved company performance
  • Implementation of best practices or policies for the workforce

Work Permit Exemptions

In the Global Talent Stream, certain workers are exempt from obtaining a work permit:

  1. Highly-skilled workers in NOC skill type 0 or skill level A can work in Canada for 15 days in a six-month period or 30 days in a 12-month period without a work permit.
  2. Researchers on projects at publicly-funded degree-granting institutions or affiliated research institutions can stay in Canada for 120 days in a 12-month period without needing a work permit.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does the GTS differ from other immigration streams?

The Global talent stream fastens the hiring process for highly skilled foreign workers by streamlining the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) process, resulting in faster processing times.

Who is eligible to apply for the Global Talent Stream?

Canadian employers who fall into one of the two categories: Category A (Global Talent Employers) or Category B (In-Demand Skills) are eligible to apply for the GTS to invite foreign nationals to work in Canada.

How long does it take to work permit under Globat Talent Stream?

The processing time for Global talent stream is generaly not more than 2 weeks, while most applications are processed within 10 days business days of submitting application.

How does the LMIA process differ under the GTS?

The GTS simplifies the LMIA process by removing certain steps like obtaining LMIA before applying for work permit, resulting in a faster application and approval timeline.

Are there any specific job positions or industries targeted by the GTS?

The GTS is open to various industries, and it focuses on positions that require specialized skills and experience, addressing specific talent shortages in the Canadian labor market.

Can employers in all provinces and territories in Canada use the Global Talent Stream?

Yes, the GTS is a federal program, and employers from all provinces and territories in Canada can apply.

Is the Global Talent Stream a permanent immigration program, or is it for temporary work only?

The GTS primarily facilitates the temporary entry of highly skilled workers to meet immediate labor market needs in Canada.

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